Made it to Osaka – Japan 2006

Sitting in the lobby of the Hotel Shin’Osaka. Finally got internet access working, but I’m too tired to write much. Both flights were pretty good, although there was a bit of turbulence descending into Kansai International.

Exchanged our JR passes and caught the train into Osaka. Got lost, but a kind lady directed us – domo arigato gozaimasu.

So hungry, but the local places were either too forbidding for addled brains or closing for the night. Ended up in Lotteria at the JR Shin-Osaka station eating shrimp and fish burgers and chips. Disgustingly gaijin of me and really I would have preferred local food, but it tasted great! Hotel room is small, but quite nice and with a bum washing seat warming toilet and strong hot shower. I’m happy with it. Okay, battery running flat and if I don’t sleep my awful cold will never disappear.

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