
The storm overhead is already waning. Despite the white flashes of lightning, loud thunder marking it close, I can already see a sliver of dusk orange on the horizon where minutes before it a dark and solid grey.

It was an altogether larger storm that lead to a change of destination for this week. With the airport closed by floods due to rainfall from Cyclone Debbie we had to change of flights from Rockhampton to Gladstone. But the floods are less than expected and perhaps the airport will be open in time. It is too late for us now, everything has been rearranged.

I started the week feeling very positive for the flights, visualising them, including the bumps. Yet with only a couple of days to go that familiar anxiety is back.

I saw the storm front approaching and was immediately taken back to those flights to Asia flying into the grey skies.

It should not be so, I am just being silly. I just need to convince by subconscious of that.

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