Last Qantas to the Continent

Today marks the last flights of Qantas to continental Europe with the cessation of their QF5/6 flights to Frankfurt via Singapore. I’ve never done the flight to Frankfurt, only taking QF5 as far as Singapore, though I’ve flown to London with them, which is now their only European destination and via Dubai. Much as I would like to see Dubai, I’m a little sad that it’s no longer possible to fly to Europe via Asia all on Qantas as I have very much enjoyed my Asian stopovers. And I love their 747s, my favourite aircraft and one that holds so many happy memories for me. Now it’s just A380s all the way there, though the 747 remains on other routes. But with so many airlines retiring their 747s it’s going to be difficult to experience them all the way to Europe again.

I was so, so tempted over the past week to burn up my remaining Qantas Frequent Flyer points to book seats between Singapore and Frankfurt on these last flights. With what remained available I would have flown up to Singapore via Adelaide on Saturday and overnighted there. Very late the next evening I would fly to Frankfurt on QF5, arriving about 6am. I suppose I would be absolutely exhausted and in no state for much sightseeing, but there is something special about collapsing into bed after a long flight.

That night it would be straight back on the plane to Singapore on the very last QF6, followed by another flight back to Sydney to arrive at 6am on the Wednesday.

Exhausting, pointless, but memorable. Unfortunately, common sense prevailed and I decided to keep my points for something else. And so there, over the horizon, goes that final chance.

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